Customer-driven strategy to support future growth

A market transformed by Covid and changes in consumer behavior

The fitness market in Finland has undergone significant changes in recent years due to Covid, global market disruptions, and shifts in consumer behavior. New pricing models, the rise in quality standards of budget gyms, and weakening customer loyalty are challenging the players in the industry.

Health & Fitness


Customer Insight, Qualitative Research, Strategy, Positioning

Familiar, safe, and traditional – like the entire market

Forever has a long history in the Finnish fitness market; thus, it is seen as a familiar and safe operator. Although Forever is well-known, it doesn’t stand out strongly enough in the market. The entire market is seen as somewhat bland, and no single player stands out as a significant innovator. For this reason, the importance of price as a selection criterion is overly emphasized.

A bolder, target-group-focused profile

One key objective of the strategy work was to find ways to create a bolder target-group profile. It is just as important to decide what the company does not want to be as it is to set future goals. Based on consumer and market insights, clear target group profiles, a positioning strategy, strategic focus areas, and guidelines for implementing the strategy were built. The journey towards a more distinctive and recognizable Forever Pihlajalinna chain begins immediately.


For more information:

Jari Danielsson
CEO, Kuudes Nordic
+358 40 730 9612