Suomalainen Kirjakauppa

Retail chain concept renewal

#insight #strategy #service design

Do we have to change our relationship with customers?

Consumer motives revealed by in-depth studies

Suomalainen Kirjakauppa is Finnish for “Finnish bookstore”. The chain is a household name and familiar sight in Finland’s high streets and shopping malls. Kuudes had the task of redesigning the concept of this successful bookstore chain to support future growth and profitability. The key consumer insight was that the consumer relationship with books and their value had changed. We made a series of in-depth studies into consumer behaviour and motives. Crystallised, we learnt that consumers were looking to meet emotional needs, such as self-improvement, or being accepted.

The Kuudes concept renewal included design, interiors, lighting, graphics, and digital integrations. We created clear signposts, customer paths, and theme areas with different atmospheres and emotional intensity. The service concept also involved staff, their roles and their tasks in making a new emotional connection with customers.






For more information:

Jari Danielsson
CEO, Kuudes Nordic
+358 40 730 9612